Thinking about
same sex marriage I can project a new society in process, Same-sex unions have
been recorded in the history of a number of cultures, but marriages or
socially-accepted unions between same-sex partners were rare or nonexistent in
other cultures. In the late 20th century, religious rites of marriage without
legal recognition became increasingly common. The first law providing for
marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was enacted in 2001 in the
Netherlands on June 26th of 2015. If we are refer to human rights, people has
the possibility of choose, and it’s an important part of the society this
recognizing, if gay people can't establish a formal structure of family and get
kids can be integrated property to the rest of society, and now it can be
Now days if you
can go out with friend, family or your couple to malls, parks or even in the
subway it's possible appreciate the big quantity of same-sex couples are
increase a lot, the acceptance of themselves and the progressive accepting of
their families and friends make that possible, in 40 or 50 year look at
Same-sex marriage carrying a baby will be as normal as a different cultures or
different skin color couples that was prohibited not so much time ago.